After arriving home, we spent the weekend getting settled back in and finishing up some projects, then my son had a tonsillectomy. He was so quiet for a few days, it was unnerving not to have him chattering away like a maniac. He's recovered well, though, and is back to his usual chatty self.
Not much papercrafting going on, though I've gotten to play with the new alcohol ink markers. I have to say, you're going to LOVE these!
Each of the colors in our 40 color pallette has a matching marker. The markers come in a set of 2, so you receive the matching color marker and a coordinating marker that is one shade darker or lighter than our color. There's a key in the Idea Book on page 9. If the little circle next to the marker item number is filled in, the coordinating shade is a bit darker. If the little circle is open, then the coordinating shade is lighter.
The last week of August was spent getting ready for SCHOOL!!! The traditional school schedule starts at the end of August here, and we frantically hunted down 3" binders, highlighters, calculators and shoes so the kids would be all set for the first day. My fabulous sister even tracked down the sold-out LL Bean backpacks that the kids wanted and shipped them to us!! She ROCKS. So do those backpacks!! Seriously - my daughter has used the same backpack for 5 years. They last forever.
With school in full swing, volunteer schedules, Girl Scout and Boy Scout meetings under control and life resuming some normalcy, I am happy to get back to papercrafting. After all, I have those summer photos and back to school pics to scrapbook now!
I think I'll make a cup of tea and go have some long overdue crafting time. Hope your day is as blessed as mine has been!!
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